Black Metal Bundles

$17.00 - $35.00

Australian Black Metal Collection
-Stargazer - A Merging to the Boundless CD
-Stargazer - Psychic Secretions CD
-Ignis Gehenna - Rites of Transvaluation CD
-Erebus Enthroned - Temple Under Hell CD

Black Anthology Bundle
-Intercontinental Black Metal Volume One MC
-Ramihrdus, Charon Kruk, Abstraction "Abattoir Dust vol. 3" MC

Italian Black Metal Bundle
-Corpo di Guardia "De Italia" CD
-The Haunting Green "Natural Extinctions" CD
-Notturno "Obsessions" CD

Flaggelik Kommando Bundle
-Archaic Malign / Flaggelik Kommando 666 "Poisoned Minds..." MC
-Flaggelik Kommando 666 "C​.​o​.​r​.​r​.​o​.​s​.​i​.​v​.​e..." MC

Métal Noir Québécois Bundle
-Anges de la Mort "Notre Tombeau Grand Ouvert" MC
-Antimoine "Liber Ivonis" MC

Black Noise Bundle
-Mindbleeder​/​Niku Daruma MC
-Valtakunta "Contemplation" CD
-Methgoat / Subservient Perversity "Hot Rails, War & Murder" MC